First Aid Assessment

First Aid consists of collecting information and making assessments to decide on treatment priorities.

                 POINTS TO LOOK FOR
                TO HELP YOU FIND OUT
                      WHAT IS WRONG!

HISTORY - Victim's nature of illness or medical background or mechanism of injury
                         How did it happen? (Ask both the victim and bystander - What happened? 
                         When? Where? How?)

SYMPTOMS - A symptom is something that the victim experiences such as unpleasant    
                          sensation or any complaints that you hear.

                         What the victim tells your about his or her condition e.g. chest pain, headache,
                         nausea, thirst, cold, fever, etc.

SIGNS - A sign is something about the victim you can see or feel for yourself.
                E.g. victim is drowsy, pale face, sweating, rapid breathing, skin rashes or signs
                of injury such as deformities, swelling or bleeding.

Look out for Medic Alert tag that is worn as a necklace or a bracelet.