
Checking the pulse or heartbeat is a way to assess the heart’s activity or circulation of a person. A pulse can be felt anywhere on the body where an artery passes over a hard structure such as a bone. To take a pulse, use the balls of your fingers (two or three fingers), and press lightly at the body surface. DO NOT use the thumb as it has an artery of its own.

The common places to feel for a pulse:

Adult and Child

At the wrist
(Radial Pulse)

Upper arm
(Brachial Pulse)

The medical professionals are trained to check the pulse at the neck (carotid pulse) for the unconscious adult and child, as well as the brachial pulse for the unconscious infant.

Normal Pulse Rate

ADULT : 60-80 beats per minute
CHILD  : 80-100 beats per minute
INFANT: 100-120 beats per minute

When taking the pulse, it is important to take note of the following:
  • ·         The RATE (beats per minute)- normal, slow or fast (rapid)
  • ·         The STRENGTH – strong or weak
  • ·         The RHYTHM – regular or irregular

Conditions causing FAST breathing and pulse e.g

Conditions causing SLOW breathing and pulse e.g

High Fever
Bleeding and Shock

Head injury

Skin Colour and Condition

The victim’s should be checked for colour and moisture. Some illness can cause the skin to become excessively moist or dry. The skin colour presented by the victim can be a sign of a medical problem. The following skin colour can be observed:

  • ·         Pale or white
  • ·         Cyanosis or blue
  • ·         Flushed or red
  • ·         Jaundiced or yellow
  • ·         Ashen or gray